Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Hand Therapy
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Hand Therapy

The main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is constriction or pressure of the median nerve in the middle of the wrist or palm, causing nerve-issues to the thumb, index finger, middle finger and long half of the ring finger (as well as the palm half). Carpal tunnel syndrome is very common simply because it can…

Chronic Pain Syndromes Physiotherapy
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Chronic Pain Syndromes Physiotherapy

There’s an estimated 116,000,000 Americans who have chronic pain every year, and it costs an averae of $600,000,000,000 for medical treatment, lost work time and lost income. Chronic pain is ongoing pain in one or more parts in the body…with or without any real body tissue damage due to injury or illness, beyond normal tissue…

Chronic Low Back Pain Physiotherapy
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Chronic Low Back Pain Physiotherapy

Chronic low back pain is defined as low back pain that continues for 12 weeks or longer…even after the original injury has been treated. About 5-10% of people who has back pain develops chronic back pain which lasts at least one year. To make things worse, 20% of doctor visits are related to back pain!…