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Back Therapy Physiotherapy

Up to 6 in 10 people has had back pain at some point in their lives, and of these 6, half of them would develop long term back pain that can last for months and years.

Causes of back pain can be categorized to:

  • poor postural habits
  • sedentary lifestyle (lots of sitting and lying down, lack of regular exercise)
  • genetics
  • disease
  • accidents, injury and trauma

Common symptoms of back pain

  • sharp pain
  • stabbing pain
  • pain that travels down the leg
  • shooting pain
  • very stiff back and even lower back
  • painful when sitting to standing or vice versa

Back pain physiotherapy

We’re strong believers that there should be minimal to no pain during physiotherapy treatment sessions; and if there’s pain, then the pain should be relieved first.

Kinda hard to move or get treatment if it’s painful.

Once the pain is relieved and minimized, then it’s easier to do indepth assessment to understand the main cause of the back pain and then to treat the root cause.

Patients can expect to get a customized physiotherapy spinal pain intervention plan, and depending on patient’s preferences and cause of the back pain in the first place, you may get treated with:

  • manual therapy including mobilization to increase the range, soft tissue management to bring down stiffness
  • heat therapy to loosen the back muscles, tissues and joints
  • cold therapy to decrease inflammation and pain
  • computerized decompressive spinal traction if it’s suitable
  • ultrasound therapy to accelerate soft tissue healing
  • pain relief physiotherapy
  • stretching and flexibility physiotherapy
  • dry needling physiotherapy
  • back progressive strengthening
  • core stability strengthening

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