Quick Overview/Summary of Therapy Putty
Create an individual, graded exercise program. Composed of silicon rubber.
- Used to provide a graded strengthening program for individual fingers or the entire hand.
- Helps promote increased range of motion, strengthening and tendon gliding.
- Consistent density gradations allow for easy prediction of putty resistance levels.
- For weak clients or those who have pain, use super-soft white putty.
- As the client progresses, use extra-soft light blue putty and then soft turquoise putty for added resistance.
- Medium-soft light green, medium dark blue and medium firm teal putties are excellent for a variety of exercises requiring medium-grade resistance.
- Use firm dark green for strong clients at the end of a strengthening program.
- Extra-firm gray is designed for athletes or workers who have maximum strength requirements.
- Densities can be mixed together for a wider variety of resistance and custom application.
- Latex free.
Theraputty is also a wonderful tool to aid in hand and arm rehabilitation. It’s one of the modalities and tools that I used with my hand therapy patients, when appropriate.
Squeezing and working with theraputty strengthen intrinsic hand and finger muscles. These muscles are necessary for fine motor activities, such as holding utensils, including pencils and cutlery; manipulating scissors; and dressing and undressing.
The premium North Coast TheraPutty is composed of silicon rubber and is completely latex free. It features eight grades of colour coded putty for individualised hand and sensory therapy. It can be used to provide an individual, graded strengthening program for individual fingers or the entire hand and helps promote increased range of motion, strengthening and tendon gliding.
- Super Soft – White
- Extra Soft – Light Blue
- Soft – Turquoise
- Medium Soft – Green
- Medium – Dark Blue
- Medium Firm – Teal
- Firm – Dark Green
- Extra Firm – Grey
Each colour-coded putty has a different consistency ranging from xx-soft for strengthening the weakest grasp to extra-firm for developing a stronger grip.
- Extra Soft – Yellow
- Soft – Red
- Medium – Green (SGD 30.00 per tub)
- Firm – Blue (SGD 35.00 per tub)
- Extra Firm – Black
For the appropriate strength of theraputty for your individual needs, it is recommended you consult your hand therapist or occupational therapist.
Therapists, patients and children alike love theraputty for fun sensory stimulation games and hand strengthening exercises.
Sensory stimulation can significantly improve restlessness, hyperactivity and concentration in a person with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD or ADHD or other sensory disorders.
Playing with theraputty is a great way for children to achieve sensory stimulation
For theraputty orders, contact us.
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